Independent musicians! 


Learn how to find your fans, grow your audience and monetise your music

Grow your music business in 3 easy steps!
Independent musicians! 

Learn how to find your fans, grow your audience and monetise your music

How to grow your music business in 3 easy steps!
Unstarving Musician Podcast
BBC Introducing
MusicRepo Music Repo Jane
The Music Marketing Method
Have you ever struggled trying to get people to interact with your music? 
Have you ever felt completely lost trying to find a perfect audience for your music, but you just can't figure out WHO your ideal audience could be or WHERE to find them and you're wondering WHY nothing is working? 
Are you tired of making NO MONEY for all your effort and investment in your music? 
Introducing the Music Marketing Method! 
A step by step guide for independent musicians to enable you to find your fans online with EASE, grow and nurture your growing crowd who LOVE the music you are releasing, and finally MONETISE your music and skills!
Learn the 3 Steps To Unlocking your Successful Music Career
By downloading the guides, I'll teach you:
Step 1 = Grow
The top 10 daily habits you can put in place to find your fans online and grow an audience of raving fans, organically!
Step 2 = Nurture
What you need to do to keep those new fans and treat them like GOLD using the resources you already have right now
Step 3 = Monetise
All the ways you can monetise your music with, or without a crowd - hint - there are LOADS of them!
Lynz, does this REALLY work or is it a waste of my time?
I get it. I have been where you are right now. I started as a 'pro' independent musician 5 years ago with NO contacts, NO experience, NO audience and NO help. I knew there must be a way to successfully find my tribe, or connect with an audience who would appreciate my music, but I just did not have a clue HOW to find them, WHERE they might be hanging out online, and I certainly didn't know how to take a random follower and nurture them along a clear and specific pathway, to enable them to become a SUPERFAN.
Yet I could feel it being done TO ME all over the rest of the internet! What was I missing?  
Now I have managed to grow an online audience of over 40k (and still growing!) I make consistent income every month from my music and now I want the same for YOU!  
That's not all...
Grab the guides, I'll also show you:
Secret Strategy 1
How optimising your online profiles correctly (no matter which one you use!) can bring new fans in while you sleep
Secret Strategy 2
Musician specific types of content which get the most engagement - every time!
Secret Strategy 3
THE most important factor you MUST include to get more fans, and keep the ones you already have.
Secret Strategy 4
The apps you can use for speed, ease and automating the process to free you up to make more music! 
About Lynz Crichton
Hey, I'm Lynz

I'm so glad you're here!

I help independent musicians like YOU to find your fans, grow your audience and monetise your music using all organic strategies.

I've used these exact strategies myself to grow my online audience to over 40k over different platforms, nurture a wonderfully loyal and supportive core fanbase who support me at every show, livestream and release, as well as building my music business over the past 5 years to make me bulletproof even during a pandemic!  I have been written about in Forbes magazine because of the relationship I have with my fans, have appeared on numerous radio shows and podcasts and I make consistent income from my music every month - and now I want the same FOR YOU.

Unstarving Musician Podcast
BBC Introducing
MusicRepo Music Repo Jane
Who has this worked for?

Sarah Moule, Jazz Musician, UK

"I couldn't really do it on my own, it was too difficult, and when you came along and said 'I've got a course that finds your fans', I knew it was for me!"

You came along with a structured course, it was very easy to follow, quite full-on, but I'm ready for that! You were a teacher so you're incredibly good at organising information, good at communicating it, so supportive, and we could go to you when we couldn't do things, and I have to say it has provided a LOT of building blocks that we can put together ourselves very well and very fully - it's such a great course!

Jeff Belding, Banjo player & Author

"Lynz gives you virtually a lifetime’s worth of ideas
to work on and grow your music business as far as your imagination is willing to take you."

I’ve always considered myself pretty adept at judging people’s sincerity, passion, and integrity for the work they do, and I could tell that Lynz had all three of these characteristics. Just watching her delivery told me that this is someone who knows and deeply cares about the work that they do. Lynz didn’t disappoint! In my first couple of weeks, she showed me how to get from a mere 38 followers on Twitter to over 200 and counting! These aren’t just a bunch of hacks, but legitimate strategies. That’s of course just a first step, but one that amazed me for sure! Over the next steps of the course, we learned scores of techniques to bolster your audience and various ways to market yourself as an independent musician.
This MMM course is methodical, highly organized, and flexible enough to meet any musician’s needs whether you are a songwriter, a performer (solo or in a band), or more of a teacher like myself. If you are frustrated with the way your business is going (or not going), this course is for you! In the words of two former famous movie critics, I give Lynz Crichton’s MMM course, “TwoThumbs Up, Way Up!”

Touanda, Brazilian singer-songwriter, guitarist and producer (indie/electronic)

"I'm very glad I made this investment and I can't thank Lynz enough for the valuable guidance she has given us"

Before I joined the MMM course, I was struggling to find ways to monetise my music career. From the first session, I was given tangible tasks to implement and start growing my audience and was surprised with how quickly we can make progress when we know where and how to start. It's only been a few weeks since I started implementing Lynz's method and I can already see progress is being made in terms of growing my audience and turning my passion into my full-time job, and I have already made my money back - and then some! I've met some incredible artists in this course and we've created a very supportive group, where we share things we learn on the way, give each other feedback and celebrate our wins together. I can't wait to see what we're all going to achieve in the following months!
If you are in the same position I was, unsure of which steps to take in order to monetise your music, I think this course is for you. Lynz's experience as an independent musician, her knowledge and her positive energy will get you in the right direction. I'm very glad I made this investment and I can't thank Lynz enough for the valuable guidance she has given us.
Learn how to find YOUR fans, grow YOUR audience and earn money with YOUR passion!

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